5 Strand

A new hub by Premier Inn at 5 Strand

Whitbread is pleased to launch the second stage of public consultation on plans to create a new hub by Premier Inn hotel at 5 Strand

Welcome to our information hub for the redevelopment of 5 Strand. Whitbread acquired the site in August 2022 and are planning to transform it into a hub by Premier Inn hotel.  

This is where you can find out more about our intentions for the site, provide your comments and contact us.  We want to hear your views as we refine our plans. 

We are an operating hotel business with many successful Premier Inn and hub by Premier Inn hotels trading across Westminster.  5 Strand will be our latest hotel in Central London that we will own and operate for the long-term. 

The development is a significant investment for us that will bring our affordable, high-quality accommodation into the very heart of the West End.  It will also create many lasting benefits for the community and the central London economy. 

Find out more about the proposals and have your say here.  We would be grateful for any comments by Sunday Sunday 14th May. You can also sign up for regular updates using the form below. 

Below, you can view the exhibition boards from our first public consultation on the 1st March

Our proposals

Bringing a redundant, partially demolished building back into use

Sits within the height and footprint of the consented 2018 scheme

Providing 700 modern and accessibly priced hotel rooms

Create a publicly accessible ground floor restaurant and lounge

Enhancing sustainability and urban greening

Working with the community and employing local Westminster residents

Have your say


Public online meeting

Date: 10th May
Time: 5:30pm-7pm


Online Survey

Please fill in this survey to let us know your views. The survey will be open until the 15th May

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