Our Proposals
A high-quality and accessibly priced hotel
A hotel that sits within the height and footprint of the consented 2019 Scheme
A design developed with input from neighbours
A hotel design fitting of its context and the sourrounding area
Publicly accessible spaces for residents, workers, and visitors
Targeting BREEAM Outstanding
High-quality and accessibly priced hotel

Contributing to the vibrancy of The Strand
The spaces feature a well-appointed bar, workspaces, and comfortable seating. The lounge will be inclusive and accessible to the public.
Good Neighbours

As a business, Whitbread has committed to becoming a net zero carbon business by 2040 (for scope 1 and 2 emissions). This reduction is to be made against a 2017 baseline and be achieved with minimal off-setting.
The target is aligned to a 1.5-degree pathway and has been committed to the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). Nearly all our 840 Premier Inn and hub by Premier Inn hotels are powered by electricity generated from renewable sources – and it will be the case for 5 Strand too.
The building will be designed to achieve a BREEAM ‘excellent’ rating at a minimum. Enhanced greening will contribute to an uplift in biodiversity on site. Biodiverse roofs will be introduced to help support local ecology.
High Quality Architecture
The ambition for this development, is to be of the highest architectural quality.
It will draw upon its historic context, strengthening the relationship between the Strand and the Trafalgar Square Conservation Area, whilst offering a contemporary interpretation.

Existing and proposed views

A Focus on Sustainability
5 Strand will align with Whitbread’s objective of becoming a net zero business by 2040 (scope 1 and 2)

Whitbread is also an early signatory of Westminster City Council’s Sustainability Charter initiative.
This is the start of the journey. The Charter will continue to be reviewed and updated, evolving to reflect the changing landscape and needs of participating businesses and Westminster communities. These changes will be steered and driven by the Charter’s steering group and a technical working group.
Our development is also targeting BREEAM Excellent.